Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Two Spideys!!!

Evan and Jabin got new reversible Spider man suits for Christmas. They stayed here last Friday while Andy ran some errands. Can you guess who is who? They were trying to trick Grandpa.

Evan & Jabin

Here they are with their puppet theater. They also got some cute little finger puppets to go with it. I might have to figure those out. Kinda puttsy looking.

We also watched their new movie they got for Christmas "Alvin and the Chipmunks". That was really a cute movie. I remember when the Chipmunks came out when I was a kid!!

Next week Amaya will be here for the week while her Mom is on her vacation to New Mexico. Amaya is bringing her sewing machine so we can sew. I think I will also have Cole one day so they can play. Hopefully the weather won't be too cold for them to go out and play. Sounds like more snow coming. That's OK. We have hardly any left after it being so warm and the rain on Friday night. Now we have ice everywhere. Gramma will be busy next week trying to keep Amaya occupied.

Amanda came home with me on Sunday from the sleepover. Today we will figure out how she will get home to Rochester. It's nice that she can come and visit for a few days. We don't get to see her that often.

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