Monday, October 13, 2008

End of a great summer!

Well on Sunday we had to winterize the trailer. BUMMER!!!!! Amaya spent the weekend with us. She had so much fun. Friday night she slept upstairs in the "waterbed". I was laying with her and we were telling stories and she said to me "Gramma, you can go to bed now. I need my privacy!" Out of the mouths of babes.
Helping Grampa!
Saturday Amaya helped Grampa shovel some dirt. We cleaned up behind our trailer to make our lot have more usable space. We ordered a load of black dirt. The neighbor Brad brought up his tractor with the bucket on it to spread it around. We still need some more and will need to seed it. Sure looks nice. Now all we need is a swingset back there. Looks like a little park. There was an end of the year pot luck in the afternoon. Amaya ate two plates. I guess she was hungry. We then went back and had a fire at the neighbors. That went well into the evening. You know time to empty the fridge. Plus a few "jello shots" later. Amaya roasted marshmallows and dance to the music.

Amaya with a marshmallow face and dancing.

Today it was laundry day. I'm talking about six loads of campfire smellin' clothes. Raining out anyway so I can't do outside work. Having crafting withdrawls. Gotta go have supper on the stove. Spagetti.

1 comment:

Justina said...

What a cute grandaughter.. she must take after her mother! he he