Saturday, November 29, 2008

Snowmen out of old towels.

I found the pattern for these snowmen at a second hand store for 98cents. I thought they would be cute made out old towels. Sewed them up and stuffed them today. Have them sitting in my rocker I had when I was little. Also got my tree up today. I'll post a picture when I can get a good one.

I had kind of a hectic week. I had this tooth that was bothering me over the weekend. Well I ended up getting them all pulled and dentures put in all in the same day. This was on Tuesday. I had to go back on Wednesday for a follow up. Thanks Tina for bringing me. I got home and had a care package by my door from the girls (jello, pudding and soup) and flowers. Thanks girls!! That was my Thanksgiving dinner. I have been able to eat a little bit more the last couple of days. But still have a sore mouth. Will take a lot of getting used to. Tomorrow my family is getting together at my sister's in Eau Claire for dinner. Hope there is pumpkin pie!!!

Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Justina said...

Oh cute! cute poem on last blog post by the way. Goodnight.