Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fun at Andy's

Yesterday I brought Cole to play with Evan & Jabin. They rode bikes in the basement for awhile. We had lunch and then went outside to play. Greg made an awesome sliding path for the kids. They flew down the hill. There is a huge bump at the end and they go airborne for a brief second. After sliding they had hot chocolate and watched a movie. It was then time for me to bring Cole back to my house. What fun they had.

Evan and Jabin at the bottom of the hill.

Cole at the bottom of the hill. Jabin on his way up.

Cole coming up the hill.

Andy giving Evan a push!!

When I arrived Andy handed me a bag and in it was a pair of her pants that needed mending. Evan's PJ's that needed buttons. Two bath towels that she wanted me to make hair wraps out of them. Guess I had some projects to do. (By the way they are completed already).

Hair wraps and bus bags.

The boys ride the bus to and from school and have bus buddies. These are older kids that sit and read to them during their bus ride. Andy asked me to make a couple bags so she could fill them with goodies. So I got that accomplished also.

Today I went and had lunch with a friend that I haven't seen for awhile. It was good to see her again. She is layed off her job so she was glad to get out and visit.


Justina said...

very cute!

andy :) said...

WoW you got all that done!! :) Thanks MOM!! Hmmm What else do I need done??? J/K!!

Sorry I didn't call you back today. I'll talk to you tomorrow!! I have an apt. in Maplewood aat 8:45am...I hear you are going to Stillwater w/Tina. Maybe we can meet for Lunch??? :)

Thanks again YOUR ARE THE BEST!!
Love Ya! :)