Monday, January 5, 2009


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDYIt's Andy's birthday today. Hope it's a good one. How old are you now???

Here is her present I made. She needed a replacement for the Christmas one I made for her entry wall.

Saturday we took a drive to the campground. Wow is there a lot of snow there. We didn't stay overnight. There was freezing rain and snow on the way so it's a good thing we came home. Here a few pictures of what it looks like up there. BRRRRR........

Next time we will bring a shovel. Plus it hopefully will be warmer.

Stay warm. It's -15 degrees this morning. That's not including the windchill.

1 comment:

andy :) said...

Thanks MOM!! {BTW my # is 32!} What was yours?? Heheee :)

Thanks for the picture I have it up already!! LOVE IT!!