Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day Two at Camp Gramma

After sleeping until almost ten Amaya got up , had breakfast and took a bath. That kept her busy for awhile. We then cut out some puppets and I stitched them up. I made four more. She wanted on to be a boy. In the meantime her dad called and asked if he could take her to McDonald's for lunch. While she was gone I made some clothes for her puppets. It was nice out so we decided to go outside for awhile. We made a fort out of the big chunks of snow and I dug a big hole in the snowbank so she could have a cave. We were out for about an hour. It was hot chocolate time when we came in. I also had her put the faces on her puppets. She asked me if I could make her a skirt, so I did. I guess we are making another one. Her fabric is all picked out. She spent the night at her dad's. Gramma got some rest!!!

Amaya's fort

Amaya in the fort

The "cave"


The new skirt. What a lovely out fit she has on. Notice the new monkey socks. She was just trying on her skirt to see how it fit. We really didn't have a shirt to match. She can wear it for play if nothing else.

Wow what a busy day we had.

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