Friday, January 9, 2009

Thursday tidbits

Here is a quick look at our Thursday's activities. Amaya played school for hours. She had the table set up with the "kids" and her teacher desk. The kids were the snowmen I made at Christmas time. She played play dough for along time also. We made a present for her mom. I'll post that at a later date. It has to be a surprise. Tanya and Cole came last night so the kids got to play. All in all a pretty quiet day.

Amaya playing school. Notice the snowmen on the chairs.

Amaya and some of her kids.

I made this sign and have it hanging in the kitchen. How appropriate!!

Tonight Evan and Jabin are coming. Not sure if they are staying over night yet. Amaya wants pizza and a movie. I guess we need to go get some. We are having pancakes for breakfast Saturday morning. Cole is coming in the afternoon to play also. No rest for Gramma quite yet (jk). My girls keep reminding me how much time they would spend at the farm with Grandma and Grandpa Retz. They always tell me paybacks!!! I'm just glad I can be able to do it. It will be kind of quiet around here when Amaya goes home. I'll miss her.


Mary said...

What a lucky little girl. Looks like you are a wonderful grandma to spend time with.

catlover25 said...

hay call me